The Organ | English University Press ISBN 0 340 05674 6 | 1958 |
Contemporary Music | English University Press ISBN 340 05940 0 | 1968 |
Contemporary British Music The twenty five years from 1945 to 1970 | Macdonald ISBN 356 037738 | 1972 |
Early English Organ Music From the Middle Ages to 1837 | Barrie and Jenkins ISBN 0 214 668045 | 1973 |
Stravinsky | Dent ISBN 0 460 031384 | 1975 |
The patronage and presentation of contemporary music | Redcliffe Seminar in London, South Bank | March 1970 |
The organisation and performance of contemporary music in the United Kingdom | Symposium at the Goethe Institute, London | March 1976 |